Ester (אסתר)

Nusakh/Tradition (נוסח\מנהג):AriZal (אר"י ז"ל)
Parchment height (cm) (גובה הקלף):40
Parchment (סוג העור):Standard klaf (קלף רגיל)
Older traditions (מסורות ומנהגים מיוחדים):Yes
Kashrut (מצב הכשרות):Kosher (כשר)
The scroll recently underwent a full bdika, small restoration and thorough inspection. Full set of high-resolution images is available for inspection of a prospective buyer of their mumkhe, maven, sofer STAM. Full guarantee of Kashrut and extended warranty of usable condition.


Unusual, unique, rare, antique complete handwritten Megillat Esther (Esther Scroll) in good condition. Originally, 19 century, written in AriZal tradition by a highly skilled sofer STAM as evidenced by the quality of its ktav and meticulous adherence to Halachiс standards. The Esther scroll was identified, researched, and attributed by professionals and experts on early scrolls. Additional information will be gladly provided upon request. Preserves the ancient tradition of decorative tagim. Kabbalistic elements for the name of God. . Historically important as an authentic scroll, written in that period and community, according to unique traditions. The unique writing style and calligraphy makes this Megillah a rare and important historical artifact of museum level.